software architect Interview Questions

NodeJS Lead Interview Questions/Answers

Question 1: Explain the design considerations and architectural patterns you would choose when designing a distributed, fault-tolerant, and highly available microservices-based application using Node.js.

Answer: For designing a distributed microservices-based application in Node.js, I would consider using patterns like Service Discovery (e.g., Consul), Circuit Breaker (e.g., Hystrix), and API Gateway (e.g., Express Gateway). To ensure fault tolerance and high availability, I’d implement redundancy and load balancing with Kubernetes and Docker for container orchestration. For communication between microservices, I’d utilize message queues like RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka.

Example: Imagine a ride-sharing platform where multiple microservices handle ride requests, user authentication, payments, and driver allocation. Each microservice communicates via APIs, and an API Gateway handles routing and load balancing. Circuit breakers prevent cascading failures, and service discovery ensures seamless communication between services.

Question 2: Describe a scenario where you encountered a critical performance issue in a Node.js application. How did you diagnose and resolve it? What tools and techniques did you use for profiling and optimization?

Answer: In a Node.js e-commerce application, we faced slow response times during peak traffic. Using Node.js’ built-in profilers, I identified CPU-intensive code sections. I optimized bottlenecks by optimizing database queries, implementing caching with Redis, and using a reverse proxy for load balancing. Profiling with tools like clinic helped fine-tune the application for better performance.

Example: In a content streaming app, video rendering was slow. Profiling revealed a memory leak in a video processing module. We refactored the module to release resources properly and used heap snapshots to track memory usage improvements.

Question 3: Can you discuss your experience with implementing real-time communication and event-driven architectures using Node.js, including the challenges you faced and how you ensured scalability and low-latency responsiveness?

Answer: I implemented a real-time chat application using Node.js, Socket.IO, and Redis Pub/Sub. To ensure scalability, we used a cluster of Node.js processes behind a load balancer. To maintain low latency, we optimized WebSocket communication, used Redis to handle events across multiple instances, and implemented message queuing for offline message delivery.

Example: A real-time notification system for a ride-sharing app. Drivers and users receive instant updates about ride requests, allocations, and cancellations, ensuring timely communication and a smooth experience.

Question 4: How does Node.js handle memory leaks in long-running processes?

Answer: Node.js uses the V8 engine’s garbage collector, which automatically reclaims memory from unreferenced objects. However, long-running processes can still lead to memory leaks due to cyclic references. Properly managing closures, avoiding global variables, and using tools like heapdump and memwatch-next can help identify and address memory leaks.

Example: In a Node.js backend for a gaming platform, memory leaks occurred during real-time game sessions. Using heapdump, we identified circular references in event handlers. We rewrote the event handling logic to ensure proper resource release and eliminate memory leaks.

Question 5: How do you handle database performance in a large-scale Node.js application?

Answer: In a large-scale Node.js application, I optimize database performance by implementing indexing, efficient queries, and connection pooling. I use an ORM (e.g., Sequelize) for query optimization and ensure that database interactions are non-blocking. Caching layers like Redis are employed for frequently accessed data, reducing database load and improving response times.

Example: In an e-commerce platform, we optimized product search by using full-text search indexes and caching popular search results using Redis. This significantly reduced database load during peak usage and improved search responsiveness.

Question 6: Describe a situation where you had to optimize a Node.js application for memory efficiency. What strategies did you employ to identify and reduce memory consumption while maintaining application performance?

Answer: While working on a Node.js API server, I used memory profiling tools like --inspect and node-clinic to identify memory-intensive code sections. I optimized memory usage by reducing object creation, implementing object pooling, and using streams for file processing. I also employed the --max-old-space-size flag to limit memory allocation for the Node.js process.

Example: In a social media platform, image uploads were causing memory spikes. I optimized memory usage by streaming image uploads, releasing buffers promptly, and using the sharp library to process images incrementally, reducing memory overhead.

Question 7: How can you optimize the performance of a Node.js application, and what tools can you use for profiling and debugging?

Answer: To optimize performance, I would minimize synchronous operations, implement proper error handling, and leverage non-blocking I/O. Profiling tools like node --prof, clinic, and monitoring tools like New Relic help identify performance bottlenecks. I would also analyze event loop statistics using event-loop-inspector to ensure optimal event loop utilization.

Example: In a Node.js real-time analytics dashboard, slow data processing was impacting performance. Profiling with clinic revealed CPU-intensive code. We optimized data aggregation algorithms, used worker threads, and fine

perform inner join on same table in mysql

During application development, i was stuck in one mysql – query problem.ย  i don’t know whether this post title gives meaning or not. but I had used this title to search on google for my problem’s solution.ย  so i kept same here.

let me describe problem

| switch                  | port_no |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 | 3       |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 | 2       |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 | 1       |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 | 1       |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04 | 2       |

so i have such type of data in sla table.ย  and i want bellow output

Expected output

| switch                  | port_no |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 | 3,1     |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 | 2,1     |
| 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04 | 2       |

so here is magic function which saved my life ๐Ÿ™‚

Function :


Query which return expected output

select switch,GROUP_CONCAT(port_no) from sla group by switch;

i know lots of newbie developers got such problem so i’m sharing here..
if anyone have best title for it .. plz suggest it in comment.


REST Client Example in Ruby

REST Client โ€“ simple DSL for accessing HTTP and REST resources

A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatraโ€™s microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post, delete.

I found this Ruby-Gem very useful while building App. so i will describe here how to use REST Client in Ruby

Simple example for REST Client POST Request.

require 'rest_client' 'http://localhost:8080/wm/test/json', params.to_json, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json
result = JSON.parse(res)
return result.to_json

above example send post request to my local server, which takes few parameters in form of json and


return output in form of JSON.

likewise, you can use any method GET,PUT,DELETE.

Hope you’ll like dis ๐Ÿ™‚

Posting JSON data to sinatra with JQuery

I guess this post is mainly useful when you want to build Restful API with Sinatra.ย ย  Let’s say you want to pass JSON data to Sinatra backend using JQuery. so you may got very first question is How to parse JSON POST Data in Sinatra rest api ?ย  am i right ?

so here is full example which demonstrate how to send JSON data to Sinatra REST API.

JQuery Code:

url: '/test_api',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
success: function(data){

let’s say data (json variable) contain complex data like

"topo": [
      "dpid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03",
      "ports": [
"app": "vm_migration"

Ruby Sinatra Rest Function

post '/test_api', :provides => :json do
     # bellow line get post json data
     params = JSON.parse(request.env["rack.input"].read) 
     # you can access key value like bellow
ย ย ย ย  app = params["app"]
     params["topo"].each do |topo|
ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย dpid = topo["dpid"]
            # getting each value of key using each
ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย topo["ports"].each do |port| 
                #Process Data
ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย endย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย 
ย ย  ย ย ย  ย end
  rescue Exception => e
    return e.message

Hope it is useful..ย  plz do comment if it is useful for you..

any question related to post, feel free to ask.

Getting started with NodeJS


Please read this to get basic information about node js. don’t like to write too much..

About me

How to install ?

You can google it.. or else I got one link please refer this.

let me go with basic example which is also given there in about me section. nodejs is really helpful for building a scalable network programs.

Basic Echo Server

var http = require('http');
var s = http.createServer(function(req,res){
	res.end("hello word");

woow..ย  few lines of code and we’ve done with basic server..ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Run :

use bellow command to run this app

node basic_server.js

Fire request on our server

1) using curl : curl http://localhost:8000

2) using url : http://localhost:8000 (in browser)

Network Information API

How to detect Network Connection changes ??

Do you have same question sometime in ur mind ? hmm.. i got answer from MDN

This API provides information about the system’s connection, such as connection bandwidth of user device, or whether the connection is metered.

Usage :
This can be used to select hight definition and low definition content based on the user’s connection.

Detecting connection changes

var connection = navigator.connection || navigator.mozconnection 
|| navigator.webkitconnection;
function updateConnectionStatus(){
alert("connection bandwidth="+connection.bandwidth +"Mbs");
alert("the connection is metered");

Simple JS Code ..!!@@

How to get the facebook details using id?

Hello guys,

Today I gonna explain you how to get Facebook user’s basic detail using user id. bellow function useful when you are developing authentication system of your site using facebook so there you need basic detail of your visitor.


function getUserInfo(id)
	type: "GET",
	url: ""+id,
	contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
	dataType: "json",
	success: function(data) {

That’s it.. isn’t it simple… ๐Ÿ™‚

Ruby Mysql Connectivity

This post shows you how you can connect to MySQL in Ruby.ย ย  I’m assuming that you already aware with basic SQL Operation like how to create database, table and insert, delete, update statement. So I’m directly dive in coding part, as I believe that more theory can confuse us. so I gonna explain you straight to the point.

okay so first we try to connect to the MySQL server and fetch all rows from table “test”.

require 'mysql'
con ='localhost', 'root', 'root', 'test')  
rs = con.query('select * from demo')
rs.each_hash do |row|
    puts row['uid'] + " " + row['name']

to run this basic example you need to use following command

ruby fetchallrow.rb

for insert statement you can use following code.

con.query("INSERT INTO demo values('"+id+"','"+name+"','"+mno+"')")

now you can able to perform basic insert,update and delete statement in same way.

That’s It.!

Enjoy d code.. ๐Ÿ™‚